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Final Draft Editing




Professional Editing, Proofreading, and Manuscript Services

An avid and critical reader with a deep knowledge of the mechanics of the English language, I work hard to deliver thorough, high-quality editing and critiquing services to authors ranging from scholars to novelists. I believe that the editing process is a conversation in which my role is to help you breathe life into your ideas, give form to your arguments, and put all the right punctuation in all the right places. I work closely with authors on individual projects to move them toward producing outstanding final drafts. Contact me for a free estimate.

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Image by Debby Hudson

My Skills

As a freelancer, I work with a linguistically diverse clientele producing a varied range of document types, and I'm continually honing and adapting my skills to best meet each individual's needs. Read on to see how my skill set can best be put to work for you.

Language Correction

Grammer Editing

The first thing I'll catch in a manuscript is whether its language is clear, concise, accurate, and error-free. I have a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) issued by Cambridge University (a leading authority in English language education) and experience teaching English to speakers of foreign languages. Whether or not English is your native language, I'll make sure your sentences are crisp, your word choices are compelling, and your spelling and grammar are on-point.

Substantive Editing

Ocean Rocks

Are you concerned about whether your arguments are logically presented, your paper is coherently structured, or your novel contains all the right elements to appeal to publishers and the reading public? I'll dive into the substance of your work and help you identify ways of connecting concepts, refining images, and (re)arranging sections so that your premise is firmly established, your conclusion stands on solid ground, and the ideas connecting the two are clear, consistent, and well ordered.

Promotional Writing

Fish Hook

Do you have a polished manuscript that's ready for the publisher's desk? Are you looking for an objective reader with versatile writing skills to market your novel, poetry collection, children's story, or nonfiction book? Look no further. Reading and writing have been integral to my life and work for decades. I'll read your manuscript thoroughly and craft query material, a back-cover blurb, or social media posts that communicate the essence of your work to the relevant audience with the appropriate tone and are sure to hook and reel in readers.

My Services

High Quality Manuscript Services with a Human Touch

In the age of AI and online editing mills, human editors who understand and can engage with the nuances of language are becoming an increasingly valuable resource. I offer high-end, personalized services and work on your manuscripts directly to ensure that every detail of your writing gets the attention it deserves.

Building Blocks

Developmental and Line Editing

Building Blocks of Good Writing

Whether you're a fiction author working on developing your plot, characters, and story structure, or an academic writer seeking help with syntax and word choices to convey your message in a precise, informative, and persuasive way, I'll get you there with a look at the big picture and line-by-line support.

Magnifying Glass

Copy Editing and Proofreading

The Devil is in the Details

A well-structured and well-styled manuscript can still contain contradictions, formatting inconsistencies, and grammatical and typographic errors. Let me comb through your pages to point out the oversights and right the wrongs.

Image by Gaël Gaborel - OrbisTerrae

Specialized Services

Is This You?

I am fluent in French and proficient in Icelandic and Turkish, and I offer specialized editing services for texts translated to English from any of these languages. NOTE: This is NOT a translating service, but an editing service that aims to sharpen the accuracy of a translation based on my knowledge of the source language.


Thank you very much for your excellent work, you did a fantastic job! Your comments and feedback were on-point and very helpful. I am especially grateful for your work on reducing the word count, where you did not remove any relevant info and made the text flow a lot better. I am looking forward to working wit you again, all the best!

- Stephanie, Phd Candidate


I am always happy about the thoughtful proofreading and editing, which you can see in the comments section! Thanks a lot!

- Academic Writer

My warmest thanks for editing my documents. I love that you pinpoint a need for additional information, as well as you provide suggestions for improving the logical flow of the text and the document as a whole. You did fabulous work!

- Maya, ESL Academic Writer


I've sourced editors online many times before, and this is the most satisfying result I have ever got. I really appreciate your detailed suggestions and comments, and perfect word choices. I learned a lot from it. Thank you!

- Academic Program Applicant

This is an excellent work on our paper. You have reflected in depth our arguments and made many important critical points regarding plausibility, coherence and style of the text. Also, the comments were very constructive and in most cases offered one or more alternative formulations to our text. Thank you so much for you great support!

- Kristoff, ESL Academic Writer


I am genuinely pleased with the query material I received. Your feedback was great and it was all done in a timely manner! I will definitely be working with you again!


- Children's Author

You provided a thorough edit based on my requirements, and more. My novel is an alternative history, so historical facts and word history are important to me. You caught many mistakes that I had missed. You strengthened the book and taught me a few things about the craft. You exceeded my expectations, which is hard to do. I will be grateful, forever.
-Jade, Novelist

I am, once again, so amazed by the quality of your service. You’ve done a very thorough job. Thank you very much.
-ESL Academic Writer

The edits and comments were exactly what I was looking for. You understood my needs and delivered accordingly. I’m extremely appreciative.


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